Health Tips / Pregnancy / HPSM's Baby + Me Program

Baby + Me Program

Earn rewards for going to provider’s visits

Baby + Me promotes timely care and health from the start of pregnancy to birth and beyond. Members who are pregnant or who recently delivered a baby are eligible for this program.

Members who sign up can earn up to $100 in Target GiftCardsTM for going to two visits!

$50 Target GiftCard
  Visit your provider during your first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
$50 Target GiftCard
  Visit your provider between 1 and 12 weeks after having your baby.

HPSM Health Promotion staff can also help you:

  • Find a provider for your prenatal care
  • Get a breast pump at no cost to you
  • Access local programs for parents and families
  • Connect to a doula provider

To join in the Baby + Me program, please either fill out the form below or call HPSM’s Health Promotion Unit at 650-616-2165

The Bullseye Design, Target and Target GiftCards are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to Gift Cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.

Baby + Me Program Contact Form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

*Please select one:

Please select one

Once we get your Baby + Me Program contact form, we will call you at the phone number you entered. If you are eligible for the program:

  1. We will mail you a form to bring with you to your next visit with your provider.
  2. Your provider will need to fill out the form.
  3. Once your provider fills out the form, send the form to HPSM by mail in the postage paid envelope or by fax to 650-829-2072.

If you have any questions, please call 650-616-2165.